If you are having trouble signing the contract please ensure you have first followed these 2 steps:
- You have clicked on the link in the email invitation sent to your email address: The email you receive contains a unique signing link for you and only you. All residents and guarantors on the application will receive their own email invitation containing a unique link to sign the contract, so you should not share your invitation with anyone else.
- Please ensure that you are using your own personal device to sign the contract. If you're sharing a device with someone else who is also signing the contract, you will both need to log out and log in with your own separate login details on that device, otherwise the system will think that you've already signed the contract.
If you're still having technical issues, please contact us directly either via Livechat or the Residently app with a screenshot along with a description of the issues you're having. Go to Support > Create new message > Contracts/Moving In > Something else?